The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose

Word count:13305

[Music] sometimes people ask me leo what's the point of having a life purpose or working towards a life purpose if everything is meaningless ultimately in the big picture sense and isn't life purpose itself just a construct of the ego mind so how do you square the spiritual pursuits of awakening and so forth that you talk about with this very materialistic sort of approach of life purpose isn't life purpose just something the ego is up to but what you don't take into account when you think this way is that you're still going to be living a life in some way no matter what no matter how awakened you are and no matter whether you want to pursue a life purpose or you don't what you have to understand is that if you don't adopt a life purpose oftentimes what happens is that the default position basically what would be the case if you don't consciously build a life on purpose and pursue work on purpose is that you will fall into a toxic life purpose and that's what i want to elaborate upon today uh i see this more and more uh we we see this all out throughout history throughout the media with celebrities and other people who've fall into toxic life purposes because they make the mistake of not consciously working on their purpose people who just get a job for the sake of having a job just to pay the bills you might wonder what's wrong with that i have to eat don't i have to pay my bills yes of course we all have to eat and we have to pay our bills but uh the problem with doing work just for the sake of earning money is that then you become very persuadable to do any kind of work that will earn you money and usually what that means is the work that pays the most money a lot of times is the work that causes the most harm to society you see there's no there's no there's no mechanism within our current social system which aligns high-paying jobs with the maximum benefit for mankind these two things aren't aligned in fact oftentimes they are polar opposites some of the highest paying jobs that exist in our society are the ones that screw other people over the most think about these kinds of industries like the uh healthcare industry the pharmaceutical industry the financial services industry various kinds of insurance and banking services credit services payday loans annuities military defense contractor type of jobs and careers the oil and gas industry energy extraction industries mining industries many of these industries that i just mentioned and this is just the tip of the iceberg these are some of the highest paying industries and jobs that you can get now of course there's exceptions there's always exceptions but generally speaking why do they pay so much money because where is the value coming from in these industries it's literally you're stealing that value from somebody else but you're masquerading it as not stealing see our notion of theft and stealing is quite limited usually if you're working at one of these jobs you're not going to ever consider that what you're doing that your job is is stealing resources from somebody else exploiting somebody else scamming somebody else but that's in effect what you're doing oftentimes when you're working in the insurance industry the financial services industry the oil and gas industry the military defense contractor industries uh even healthcare industries literally the entire healthcare industry in america is built upon scamming and fleecing people for money overcharging people you've heard these stories of these you know insurance companies or uh hospitals and so forth that will charge you a thousand dollars for a bottle of aspirin when you're in the hospital or some nonsense like this and and yeah they do that's how doctors earn so much money um but of course the doctors are totally in denial about it but anyways my point here though is that this problem goes even far worse than just a matter of scamming somebody out of a few thousand dollars if you don't consciously put effort into thinking about what kind of impact you want your work your life's work your career to have because all of us need to eat and pay our bills this is not optional unless maybe you were born a billionaire and you inherited a giant trust fund in the tens of millions of dollars then maybe you don't need to worry about this but for the other 99 of us we have to worry about this right we all have to pay our bills so paying the bills is not optional that means you're going to be paying your bills somehow the question is how are you going to be paying them are you going to be paying them consciously or unconsciously what are you going to be doing to pay your bills see most people don't think about this and then when i talk about life purpose they say oh well life purpose is just this sort of fluffy new agey type of thing it's kind of not not very grounded not down to earth doesn't really track with the numbers but the reality is is that having a sense of purpose and meaning in your life even though meaning and purpose are completely constructed completely imaginary you're making it up even though purpose and meaning are completely imaginary and made up if you don't have that in your life you're not just gonna sit back and just relax and chill out and enjoy life the way you might imagine what's gonna happen is that your mind has a deep need for meaning and purpose and you're going to go look for it in places where you shouldn't be looking for it which is going to lead you down a dark road and create a lot of harm and chaos in your own life and in the lives of others and is going to contribute negatively to society to your community and we see this all all over the place these days you know uh i read a biography of hitler there's this great biography by uh i forget the author's last name tolland i think it is it's a thick thousand page biography i didn't read the whole thing i read about maybe a fifth of it it's very very dense very detailed but it talks about hitler's early life like it basically tracks him from his birth uh through world war one he participated in world war one he was like a male carrier a male courier in world war one sort of uh he he carried messages through the actual um in the trenches like he was actually in the trenches he almost got killed got very close to being killed so this was like he was almost like a teenager doing this um and then so it attracts his early life and you know how did he come to power and how did he develop his ideology and so forth and what was so fascinating in reading about hitler is uh hitler is a great example of what i would call someone who falls into the trap of the toxic life purpose so he wanted to become an artist of course as is commonly known he went to to vienna or wherever i forget exactly where he went to art school it was kind of rigorous they didn't accept him he wasn't good enough in certain areas he wasn't skilled enough but rather than rededicating himself to his purpose or maybe finding a a better purpose or an alternative purpose that maybe he would have been more skilled at instead what he did he was sort of living homeless in vienna or i don't know exactly the city i might be misremembering the city but he was living in one of these sort of germanic cities and uh he was out of work he didn't have anything to do he had he was just completely aimless because his initial idea was that okay i'm going to become this great artist but that didn't pan out and so what does he do he he sits around uh and you know he he listens to recordings of uh popular radio programs and anti-communist propaganda that was popular in those cities at the time and he reads these pamphlets these anti-communist pamphlets and he just gets sucked into this rabbit hole in a sense really it was the original like this was the original youtube rabbit hole before there was youtube uh you've heard of this you know right-wing uh alt-right youtube rabbit hole that exists yeah you watch a few sort of right-leaning videos on youtube and then that recommends you some more the algorithm recommends some more and some more and some more then you get down this you know eventually you're watching like race iq propaganda and uh you know anti-sjw stuff and then that ultimately leads you like into down some neo-nazi rabbit hole well that's exactly how hitler became a nazi in the first place he was looking for somebody to blame for the fact that he was poor and he was struggling in his own mission in life and so he needed a scapegoat and there was a ready-made mechanism back then in those cities in those germanic cities there was there was a mechanism there were pamphlets and it was very politically active at the time and you know communism was was big at that time in russia and even in germany other places and so um hitler started to buy into this conspiracy theory that it was the jews the globalist jews and communists uh and these these crazy liberals who were trying to you know undo the old germanic traditions that were lost and have made germany weak and now germany has become the laughingstock uh and the cuck so to speak of the other european nations and the world and so germany has lost its its original sense of of pride and germanic power all these sorts of ideals these right-wing ideals um which are common not just to nazism but to all forms of of right-wing fascism and just in general right-wing conservative ideology they value that stuff you know good old-fashioned traditional values whether it's america or japan or china or or hungary or germany it's all the same stuff just you know with different flavors different spins on the same basic structure so uh he went down this rabbit hole and then he he literally turned his life his life's mission became to eradicate these jews and then we all know what happened from that so that's a an amazing example of how dangerous it can be to not have a consciously developed life purpose because like i said the mind the ego mind unless you've transcended it completely which 99.999 of you never will that ego mind wants a sense of meaning and purpose to its life it's not just gonna sit around and be aimless and enjoy itself it's gonna feel empty it's gonna feel miserable and then you're gonna have to pay your bills somehow and then your ego is gonna be looking for ways to pay the bills but since it's not doing it consciously it's just going to go to what's the most convenient the most convenient being in terms of the easiest the highest paying or the most ideologically convenient in terms of what kind of ideology can you find out there that will reinforce your existing worldview and all of your existing grudges and all of your biases reinforce all of that because that's going to feel good to your ego to reinforce that you know if you are doing bad in your own life the conscious thing to do is to look inwards and to ask yourself okay where did i go wrong how am i screwing up where do i need to take more responsibility but that requires some some you know some conscious thinking uh the most likely scenario is that you're gonna you're gonna not turn inwards but you're gonna turn outwards and you'll look for like who should i blame for this situation who can i blame who can i scapegoat who's the enemy that's causing this because it's not me right it's hard to admit that it's you uh and so you're gonna go look for it whether it's communists or whether it's the west or whether it's the east or whether it's china or whether it's women this is very common these days with the men's very various kinds of toxic men's rights movements which um are also kind of creating sort of rabbit hole where guys in cells and other folks who are struggling with attracting women rather than taking responsibility for the fact that hey you know there's something about me that's that i'm i have a the kind of lifestyle that i set up for myself isn't going to allow me to attract the kind of women that i want so how can i change that rather than that what they do is they create an ideology a toxic ideology that justifies why women would never sleep with them and then of course they have to once they create that ideology they have to go deeper and deeper with it and of course you can then earn lots of money creating and peddling this ideology see the reason these ideologies are so attractive and you can earn so much money you can literally earn millions of dollars with these toxic life purpose ideologies is because they give people who are stuck in a sort of a a negative victim mindset and people who don't want to take responsibility for themselves people who are living their life unconsciously what they do is they give them a sort of a false solution a false way out of that problem see here with you come to me and i i give you the hard solutions i tell you all the things your mind and your ego doesn't want to hear and probably because of that 90 of you quit and don't continue with the work or don't even begin the work but i could easily start a channel that would cater to all of your deepest fears and insecurities and prejudices and biases and paranoias and just amp those up and play those up create a ideology out of it i would earn millions of dollars doing that and you would feel so good every day you would tune in you would watch my videos would get millions of views more than they already do and you would watch and you'd be like yeah yeah that's exactly what i want to hear that subconsciously that's what your ego mind would be saying and all we would be doing then is we'd be creating some sort of external enemy and see the reason that that's so appealing is because it gives you an instant quick purpose now your purpose is to be anti-women anti-feminist or your purpose now is to be anti-sjw or your purpose now is to be anti-globalist elites or your purpose now is to be against the jews or against the blacks or against china or against the democrats or against the republicans or whatever don't think that i'm just that this criticism only applies to right wingers a lot of right-wing politics is tied in with this but it's not just right wingers you can be guilty of this as a left-winger and in other ways as well see this is uh the problem of the lesser jihad and of course we see this problem in the middle east as well why is radical islam so virulently popular in certain underdeveloped parts of the middle east like saudi arabia and afghanistan and syria and elsewhere why is it so popular there because in these areas generally the living conditions are very modest basically crippling poverty there's not a lot of hope economically for people they can't go to college there's no good colleges or they don't have the money for it or there's not enough spaces there's not a lot of good job prospects there's not a sense of conscious life purpose that they can build for themselves nobody even puts this idea in their mind that this is what they should be doing is constructing a conscious life purpose their own meaning creating their own meaning right they're not taking responsibility for creating their own meaning and purpose in their life so instead what do they do well everyone in the middle east is basically indoctrinated with islam from birth so that's the most convenient ideology they've got and then of course now you can use that ideology to create a purpose out of it and it's very easy to twist that ideology around into something hateful prejudicial uh very biased very twisted very uh demonic almost basically because again it most people in the middle east feel like victims and that's understandable i mean i'm not saying the west is not responsible for victimizing the middle east it is america has done many things to victimize the middle east that it shouldn't have done uh so it's not unwarranted but still you get into that that kind of toxic victim mindset and then you start blaming others and then you know that leads down to a very dark rabbit hole and then eventually you become a suicide bomber or something like that or get involved with terrorist activities thinking that what you're doing is that you're saving the world from some great evil when in fact it's you who is the greatest evil in this in this lesser jihad that you've undertaken see and that's much harder than consciously growing your spirit such that you live up to the true ideals of islam you see it's much easier to distort islam to feed the ego mind the deepest most perverse aspects and fears and cravings of the ego mind versus surrendering the ego and then like becoming a sufi for example you could become a sufi but it's a lot harder to become a sufi than it is to become a terrorist psychologically so i'm speaking sort of psychologically emotionally for most people it takes a very advanced mind to see the appeal of becoming a sufi and uh opening your heart to the world and blah blah blah working on yourself surrendering your ego and questioning yourself introspecting that would be the greater jihad you see that would be a conscious life purpose if you were in the middle east and you said well you know i'm living in this maybe [ __ ] country as trump likes to say like maybe you're stuck in syria or iraq someplace and you don't have a lot of good prospects well you could join some sort of criminal gang or if you're more conscious you could say well i'm going to become like a sufi type mystic sure i'll be maybe poor i won't have a lot of money i'm not going to get hot girls i'm not going to get all that material stuff but i can be very powerful mystic even in in a in a poor area like that uh and i can transform the world now of course that comes with its own dangers of course people will want to hunt you down if you try to be a mystic a loving mystic in syria people will try to hunt you down and kill you um just for the fact that you are they're going to perceive you as someone who is uh not true to islam of course that's because they're just projecting but but anyways i mean i mean that's basically what jesus did and many other mystics have done that um and you know you can see how much more of a difficult path that is that's the path least walked by people most people would go down the sort of criminal route and that's that's how it works so you can find many examples like this a lot of people who get involved with if you watch some videos and there's a lot of good videos you can find on youtube about why people get sucked into for example white supremacists or neo-nazi movements or the kkk like i've watched a few interviews of kkk members like the guy is sitting there in front of a camera literally with his ku klux klan outfit on while he's being interviewed and he talks about how he thinks the white race is the best and you know other races should go home back to africa and so forth uh he's sitting here with a straight face doing this and he thinks that he's you know he's found his life purpose this this kkk you know they have these meetings like they will have these meetings every week where they they sit down in some bar you know some back room uh bar they will sit down uh and and sit there and have serious discussions about like yeah how do we get all the black people out of america or something like this uh why is that so appealing because think about it these people are usually working lame jobs lame nine-to-five jobs that give them no creative outlet that have no sense of meaning or purpose beyond just paying their bills and feeding their children so what do they really have to live for they don't have their career or their job to live for and they're not taking responsibility for improving that and creating a conscious life purpose so instead what they do is they they just accept that job they become a victim to it uh they adopt a sort of mind mindset of learned helplessness in that domain but then when they come home on the weekends you know just to get a little kick to get a little bit of sense of of of meaning to life what they do is they join this kkk group or a neo-nazi group or some islamic you know uh terrorist cell or whatever they're doing and that gives them a sense of purpose now they feel like they they belong to something larger than themselves you see the human spirit requires somehow fitting you into a larger hole you're not going to feel whole as just an individual by yourself for you to feel whole you need to be part of some larger community and some larger purpose of that community this is a critical component to human happiness is to have this and if you're lacking it your mind is gonna want it just like with sex if you repress sex if you think that well just don't have sex you know this is the kind of naive advice that a lot of times like fundamentalist christian parents will give to their children like oh just abstain from sex but what you don't understand is when you do that when you when you deny sex and try to repress it that drive and need in the psyche is so strong that it's going to come out and get fulfilled in some other way usually a more toxic way which is why many many children of these fundamentalist christians rather than having vaginal sex they'll have anal sex because to them that doesn't count as sex you see but in a sense this is worse than them just having normal vaginal sex um so see it gets perverted stuff gets perverted when it gets denied well likewise you have a need in you for a sense of community and a sense of purpose and if this is not consciously honored and cultivated with deliberation and planning and with selflessness and love and consciousness then what's going to happen is that it's just going to happen unconsciously selfishly your ego is going to just take control of that thing and you're going to do the most expedient thing that comes by you so if if some kkk group or some anti-feminist group um some nationalist group some militia group uh comes within your you know into your life basically in the periphery of your life you're going to see it and you're going to find it appealing and you're going to get recruited and this is how a lot of people fall into cults this is one of the huge appeals of cults is that the cult offers you a community a sense of belonging a sense of a larger family beyond your little family that you grew up in and that you feel stifled in this is like a new larger family and they provide you with meaning and purpose that you can't otherwise just easily get off the shelf of a store somewhere you see life purpose a high quality like a conscious life purpose is is not something that you can just like walk into a walmart and buy it's one of those things that you can't buy you have to develop it yourself but many of these cults and other sorts of groups will surely because this is a need and the need in a marketplace in a capitalist marketplace every need basically gets catered to and the lower the need and the more strong the craving for the need is the stronger it's going to get catered to and so there's going to be ample businesses and groups out there and cults who are going to be catered catering to your most basic uh devilish cravings and fears because it earns them money and it gives them power and it gives them a sense of success and when they do that and they become successful they think that they're doing something good in the world because they conflate their own private success personal success material success with with some sort of goodness or some sort of consciousness which is is is not automatically the case see it's very much like with drugs the whole appeal you know why people do drugs it's very simple the way people do hard drugs like heroin or meth or something like that crack is usually their life is so bad because of childhood abuse because they're growing in a dysfunctional family uh they were sexually molested or they were physically abused by their father or their stepfather or they were bullied at school or their parents died and they grew up in a foster environ foster home environment where they didn't receive love that they should have gotten from their parents or because of you know very bad financial situations with their parents like you know living and crippling poverty in some inner city slum or whatever um your prospects for the future are so bleak that you really have nothing to live for at that point your view of the world is that the world is [ __ ] the world is hell there's nothing good from my family there's nothing good for my friends there's nothing good for my community because they're all garbage if you happen to be raised in that kind of environment there's no good job prospects maybe i have a job but like it's it's a dead end job that just pays minimum wage and there's no way forward and i have so much debt that i can't even afford to go to community college or something like that and it's like what do i do what do i have to live for at that point the only thing i have to live for is a shot of heroin or meth or crack that's the thing that gets me through the day that that's what keeps me from killing myself in that situation uh and it in a sense what the drug does the drug simulates spiritual development i'm not just talking about psychedelics here i'm talking about heroin and meth and crack alcohol even cigarettes pot whatever it it simulates an artificial spiritual high it basically gets your mind to a level where a yogi or an enlightened master lives effortlessly in a sober state all the time it gets you to that for an hour or two or for a day while you're high on that drug and you can buy it so in a sense you're buying happiness but really you're not buying happiness you're buying consciousness or you're buying spirituality in a sense so drug abuse in a sense is a form of materialistic spirituality likewise joining a cult is the same thing so rather than working on meditation and developing yourself and so forth that for example a drug addict might do in order to overcome his need for drugs and if you want a great example of that look at russell brand he's a great example of a ex-heroin user and probably many other drugs he used i don't know what else he used he was also like a sex addict and so forth um so he's very very stuck in that stage red slash spider-man stage orange mentality um and now he's broken through out of that and now he does yoga and he meditates and he you know he he studies spiritual non-dual type of stuff and he teaches it and now he has a purpose now his purpose is to teach that stuff so he in a sense his role is to help addicts get out of addiction and to show people a path towards consciousness and love and selflessness that's what he's doing and that's giving him more pleasure than a hit of heroin used to give him you see so that's how you overcome that kind of hardcore addiction is that you must develop yourself go through that long painful painful process of developing yourself and then ultimately coming up with a conscious life purpose some meaning beyond just raw pleasure in the moment some higher form of pleasure or satisfaction which will come from uh from your spiritual work or from your life purpose the kind of work you do with your career if you're doing some kind of good work like you're helping people which is why a lot of times the way that addicts become ex-addicts is by overcoming their addiction and then their life purpose becomes to help other addicts do the same thing in a sense it's sort of a pyramid scheme um but uh but it it works it's sort of a a good pyramid scheme in the sense that there are so many addicts out there that if if you want if you're an addict you're one of your major purposes in life can be simply overcoming your addiction just for the sake of showing others that it's possible and then helping others to do the same becoming sort of a a lighthouse for others through your own example that's totally valid and high quality conscious life purpose um but see that takes an enormous amount of work that takes an enormous amount of soul searching responsibility taking book reading um facing your own shadows and inner demons and transcending them and overcoming them and admitting how wrong and stupid you were and opening your mind to new perspectives and all the stuff that i talk about with my work uh that that's a lot that's a lot to ask most people don't want to do that instead most people just want to go to walmart and buy a pill off the shelf that will do that for them and so in this case that's going to be heroin you can't buy heroin at walmart but you this is just an analogy right this is what we're looking for like we wish all of us just wish that we can go to walmart right now and pay ten dollars for a cure to our problems and that eventually essentially when we want that cure what we're really asking for is we're asking for spiritual growth we want to pay ten dollars for spiritual growth without actually doing any of the work so that we feel love that's all any of us wants is to feel love that's it and so when you're not given the kind of love that you crave especially when you're young this creates trauma and then that is what leads you down these dark dark paths and dark rabbit holes um you see and if you're not getting the sex that you crave you're gonna go down the the dark you know men's rights toxic men's rights rabbit holes like the mgtow movements and the black pill and red pill and all this garbage um maybe you'll get into pick up some toxic form of pickup that's also possible i've seen that happen um and then you know if you don't get the kind of love you want with money then you'll go into some criminal activities uh you'll become a thief or a scammer or con artist or a fraudster or whatever and if you don't get the kind of love or sense of community a healthy sense of community that again is just you getting the love that you want then you're gonna get involved with some sort of a fascist neo-nazi white supremacist nationalist movement in in your country whatever that is and don't think that you know this sort of white supremacy is just a problem in in america or in the west i mean you you have fascist nationalist movements in every country in india in china all over europe in south america in africa in parts of asia everywhere every country is it has these nationalist uh you know ultra right-wing nationalist fascist groups in japan they have it as well uh and all of them offer you that sort of cheap walmart solution but of course the solution is not sustainable and it can very easily destroy your life and it will cause harm and great damage to your community in the end see and in a sense this is what we're seeing with the trumpism phenomenon the reason that trumpism is so appealing is because uh right now we're in late stage capitalism with late stage capitalism here in america at least a lot of people are not earning the kind of wages they used to earn with globalization that's right wages have been equalizing across the world that means the high wages that used to exist in america can no longer be sustained because america used to be this isolated bubble but now all those barriers have broken down because of telecommunication and internet satellites fiber optics airplane travel and all these sorts of things um tourism globalism and so the jobs and the the money is basically spread more around the world it's equalizing so whereas before america was up here and like uh china was down here we're starting to equalize now now of course this is great for china from its perspective but it's bad for america from america's perspective because it feels like america is losing um in fact this is an overall good trend because it's actually creating more fairness and justice around the world but it doesn't feel like that from america's from any american's point of view so uh their salaries are dropping and of course they're looking for somebody to blame into scapegoat so who are they going to scapegoat they're going to scapegoat the globalist jew social justice warrior hillary clinton joe biden uh pedophiles and the hollywood elites and the wall street elites and this justice notion of elites let's let's just blame all of our problems on the elites this is this is very popular this idea is becoming very popular uh not just on the right but even on the left there's there's uh there's a sort of almost a cult of blaming everything on the elites on the left as well amongst progressives now of course elites do bear some responsibility but overall this is way overblown and uh it's just a it's a game that the ego is playing you see and so now you come home from a dead end job you're tired but what you do is you log into youtube and you watch your favorite youtuber rant against the elites and this gives you a sense of purpose and you're like yeah those elites they're pedophiles and they're jews and they're evil and they're from hollywood and all of this and they're not like me they're not like us and we got to get them we got to get our guns and we got to fight them tooth and nail otherwise this is going to destroy america this is just going to destroy the land of my ancestors and i'll be damned if i let that happen i'll be damned if i let some liberal uh you know transgender pedophiles [Laughter] uh take over america uh you know over my dead body and so then you go to the gun store and you buy yourself some guns you buy a case of ammunition and you know you stock up on supplies for the coming apocalypse and civil war and then you listen to talk radio that talks about the upcoming civil war that's going to be happening and you go to the shooting range and you pay the money you know for target practice because you really start to believe that there's a civil war coming and you start to do target practice on you know on targets and maybe you put a face of hillary clinton on the target that you're shooting at and this and then you hang out see but you're not doing it alone you're also you got a group of buddies at your shooting range who you are are also doing this with you and then you form a militia group and now every weekend or twice a month you're going out into the wilderness and you're shooting guns and you're you know you're preparing explosives and you're and you're you're preparing for the upcoming civil war and this paranoia now becomes your entire life and this is this is the the toxic life purpose that i'm talking about but as all of this is happening it's happening so slowly and gradually and the ego feels so validated by this it has now a sense of belonging now you found your your calling in life this feels so good it feels better than a shot of heroin and there's nobody in society telling you that this is more dangerous than heroin because culturally we all know heroin is bad and even then still many of us will fall into that trap with opioids or something like that um but nobody ever teaches you the dangers of this toxic life purpose that you could unconsciously be developing in your life you're not aware that you're developing it you didn't have the intention at the outset five years ago to say oh yeah you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna join this militia group and we're gonna be training every every weekend against the coming civil war against the the crazy pedophile liberals um it didn't start that way you gradually slowly were brainwashed into it by the news that you watched by the youtubers that you follow by the ways you think about the world by your failure take responsibility for yourself and so forth and by ultimately not consciously working on developing a healthy loving life purpose see that vacuum in your heart and in your soul that was created ultimately by your lack of responsibility that vacuum was now filled by the lesser jihad and so the irony is of course is that these right wingers are committing exactly the same mistake that the radical islamists in the middle east are committing they found an enemy and they're going all in against that enemy damn the costs to society or to themselves or even to their family and so on because it feels good to have that sense of meaning and purpose in one's life and developing that on your own is extremely difficult most people don't even know that this is a possibility that you can develop a life of a conscious loving selfless purpose on your own but see that's difficult that's a difficult road to walk because you're usually walking it alone there's nobody there helping you you're trying to figure it out on your by yourself your family and friends won't really be supportive they won't really understand what you're doing because they themselves don't know how it works school doesn't teach you how to do it college university doesn't teach you how to develop a life purpose businesses and corporations they don't care about whether you have a life purpose or not whether it's conscious or not in fact they're going to try to seduce you off the path with jobs and careers that are toxic and that just pay really well but involve you doing some kind of devil's work in order to get that big paycheck see but you do have a choice the choice here now that i'm presenting to you that you can what's going on you can zoom out and see sort of from a meta perspective what's really going on you can start to notice that maybe you're sliding into a toxic sense of life purpose or maybe you just notice that there's a a void in your heart and in your soul uh a lack of meaning that needs to be filled and it's gonna get filled one way or another so that being the case you might as well take conscious control of it and decide how you want to fill it so that you're living the kind of life that has the kind of impact on the world that you want it to have so rather than starting your your thought process like this like well what kind of job would earn me the most money and get me the most sex and get me a bigger house rather than thinking that way or thinking like this i guess this is this would be a more modern way the way people think these days like what kind of what kind of videos could i post on youtube that would get the most clicks the most subscribers or what kind what kind of video or content could i produce for tick tock or something or facebook that would get the most views and the most fans to like me rather than thinking that way think the opposite way which is what kind of impact do i want my life to have on others in the world regardless of money or material stuff or anything what kind of impact do i want my life to have what do i want to help people to do to understand to realize to feel how do i want to make people feel do i want to make them feel loving or fearful do i want to make them feel abundant or scarce do i want to make them feel unlimited or limited do i want to make them feel big or small do i want to inspire them with art and music or do i want to drive them down some sort of negative depressing toxic ideological rabbit hole see and then from that you decide what that should be what kind of impact you want to have and then you kind of reverse engineer your entire life and adjust every aspect of your life to fit with that now of course this is not easy at all to do you might say well yeah that sounds great in theory but how do you actually do it that's very hard to do it's easy for you to say leo you have a lot of money and you're successful and popular so yeah you can do that but how do i do that well but what you don't understand is that the reason that i'm successful and popular right now is because when i first began this whole process 10 years ago of constructing a life according to the kind of conscious purpose that i want i had nothing i had very little money i had no success per se and no fame and no prospects of it and i didn't even know exactly what my purpose is or what it should be i had various multiple purposes and i wasn't sure how to select them and i wasn't sure how to accomplish it how to actualize it how to make it tangible and so i went through a process of years years of of trial and error experimentation research and reading and that's ultimately what got me into personal development um and and then that led me to spirituality and so forth so the whole my entire life basically my adult life um my sort of actualized life uh started from from that point of of just that i knew deep down in my heart i knew that i needed to make my life count i wanted my life to be meaningful i knew that if i was working some dead end job that that would be a recipe for disaster in my life that would be a huge strategic blunder and i see that this is perhaps one of the most common strategic blunders that ordinary people make all throughout their life is that they don't consciously develop a life purpose because our culture doesn't tell us that this is something that's important and yet it is so important so that's why i developed a life purpose course over 25 hours of exclusive new material that's different from my normal free content that takes you through a step-by-step process that i have developed that i used basically to develop my life purpose um this process is universal it's generic in the sense that the course doesn't tell you how to create a copy of my life purpose for yourself it doesn't tell you how to be a youtuber the course just teaches you the principles in general of what a human being needs to do if they're serious about having a positive impact on the world with their career and how to start to align that it's not easy to do it's it's difficult it's a challenging course um and even if once you complete the course that's really only where the work begins so i'm not promising you any magic pill solution here it might sound like oh just take the course and that's it your life is fixed no no no you take my course and then you're gonna work for five or ten years you're gonna work your ass off trying to actualize your life purpose see that's one of the challenges with this life purpose stuff is that it's not a quick fix it's not something like i can sit here and like some other self-help teachers or whatever you know that they will they try they'll try to sell you uh like quick results like oh yeah you can quit your smoking addiction in three months or yeah you can lose 50 pounds of weight in in in two months or something like that and then you think about that like oh yeah a couple of months yeah i can do this program in a couple of months i'll get my result and here i'm telling you that no you won't get your result here in a couple of months and not even in a couple of years it'll take you longer than that to truly uh actualize your life purpose because you're gonna like what we're doing here is like think of yourself as a giant oil tanker with momentum heading a certain direction towards an iceberg and now we need to turn this oil tanker around 180 degrees that can be difficult to do because you're massive you've got a lot of inertia going in a certain direction and turning that around takes time but it's one of the most worthwhile things you can do in your life see what you have to weigh wisely is the amount of effort and energy and time that you put into something is going to be usually proportional to the amount of benefit that it pays back to you the dividends it gives you so if you want something to pay you a lot of dividends for the rest of your life you can't be foolish enough to expect to get that after a few months of work if only it was that easy you have to prepare yourself to work for multiple years your your vision should be like well maybe in five years if i work really hard i can get there and you might say well five years damn that's that's so long is that really going to be worth it but think about what it means to really have a life on purpose to be working every single day rather than working on some dead-end job for some boss that you don't care about who doesn't care about you and the kind of work you do is completely meaningless and you're just you're dreading going into work every monday because you're not spiritually connected with your work that's basically it you're doing soulless work so think about doing that for the next 50 years of your life because you're going to have to to pay your bills you're going to pay your bills no matter what so either that or think about 50 years of going into your office doing the kind of work you're passionate about and the kind of work that you really truly believe helps mankind helps to elevate the consciousness and love of mankind in whatever way is unique to you there's many ways to do this uh that's what's so great about life purpose is that it's not limited to a select number of people every single human on this planet can have a life purpose and it can be totally unique and suited just for their personality type so a lot of life purpose work is just about discovering who you are and what you really want at a very deep level once you figure that out then you can start to align your life with that and then imagine living your life in alignment with that imagine how much satisfaction that gives you but also imagine how much suffering and misery it removes see you have to consider both it'll give you a lot of satisfaction but perhaps even more so it'll it'll remove 50 years of misery from your life this misery it drips on your brain drip drip drip drip drip drip every single day that misery is dripping on you on your on your mind and it's making you more depressed and miserable and angry and bitter with the world it's making you hate people it's making you hate the customers you're dealing with it's making you hate your boss and your co-workers and your clients it's making you hate men or women it's making you hate your wife or your husband or your children you see because when you're when you're going to work for eight hours five days a week and many people have to even do more than that but if you're if you're doing 40 hours a week of that kind of monotonous soul-draining labor and then you come home what do you think is going to happen you're going to take that out on your wife on your husband on your children on your friends you're going to be in a shitty mood you're going to be a miserable human being and then you're going to be weak and vulnerable and then you will get preyed upon by various kinds of toxic ideologies and cults and fascist movements and nationalist movements and false toxic life purposes because you will have that gaping hole in your heart but it won't just be a gaping hole now there will also be 10 20 30 years of misery and deep-seated resentment and bitterness and anger seething inside of you because you can't express that at work because you'll get fired and you can't get fired because you've got to pay you know your kids bill uh electric bills and so forth so you got to go to work and put on a you know a nice face and be professional but then when you come home you know you're going to be prone to alcohol abuse drug abuse physically abusing others being you know a nasty bitter person and then you're going to want to find somebody to blame for that because there's no way in hell your own ego is going to take responsibility for this it's going to be way too painful for you to admit that you were the cause and the unconscious architect of this cancerous lifestyle so rather than doing that what you're going to do is you're going to find somebody out there to blame at the scapegoat whether it's the social justice warriors the communists the feminists or whatever so you have a choice you have a choice remember that in life many of the most important choices you get for most people they're chosen unconsciously which means that people fool themselves thinking like well there's no there's not even a reason to make this choice there's no choice to be made here but by by saying that you've made that choice that's the choice you've made is you've made the choice not to do anything you've made the choice of being lazy of just going with the default position and if you're always going with a default position in life what you end up with is a is a mediocre cancerous life which then and now now you see how this connects with the broader social picture that we're seeing today when we have tens of millions of people all having these kinds of toxic cancerous lives that have no meaning and no purpose we have record numbers of depression we have record numbers of opioid overdose over doses and deaths and addictions we also then have political turmoil and toxic political ideologies that's how nazism came about basically historians agree that the reason nazism became so popular in the 1920s and 30s in germany is because of the sort of uh shameful embarrassing treatment that germany received after the end of world war one basically after germany lost world war one the allied powers imposed uh crippling reparations on germany that they had to you know would have to pay for for decades into the future this put a huge strain on the german economy and so basically people were ordinary germans were very frustrated and miserable from that situation and so under that pressure of course uh they felt so victimized that then they were ripe for a kind of a toxic cult-like ideology that could be peddled by some um carnival barker like hitler or like trump uh that becomes very appealing as a quick fix solution thinking that this will fix the problem just getting this guy elected and he he will you know he'll just um he'll just sort of strong arm his way out of this problem and then of course from that you know disaster and catastrophe occurs that's how it happens so this is what's happening in america right now the vast majority of americans do not have any sense of life purpose and in fact many of them are working jobs that either are so soulless and grinding and monotonous uh that is its soul-sucking work or uh others are working something that they believe is meaningful but is actually has a toxic meaning so it's easy to fool yourself thinking that oh yeah i'm doing something good for the world like i'm sure for example the the anchors at fox news like tucker carlson or sean hannity or you know somebody like glenn beck or alex jones uh these sorts of people actually genuinely honestly believe that they are saving america from destruction they genuinely believe this because they bought their own [ __ ] because the [ __ ] pays so well and the reason the [ __ ] pays so well is because there's tens of millions of people out there who are in such dire straits they've been so victimized and they have not consciously taken control of their life that now they want just they need some sort of immediate quick solution and what that turns out to be is something like fox news propaganda and the reason that fox news is the most highly watched news program or news organization in america is not because they have great journalists or because they do the best reporting and it's not because conservativism is is more popular than liberalism or something like that it's it's simply because they're serving the lowest common denominator they're the most shameless in the way that they're willing to go after views it would be sort of like if i wanted to create a youtube the most popular youtube channel if that was my my aim to maximize my views and my subscribers and my revenue from ads i would create the most low brow low consciousness toxic virulent cancerous most ideological most closed-minded grotesque most fear-based most paranoid uh and most hateful content that i possibly could the most racist all of it now of course the you can take it so far um that it'll actually backfire you so if you start to create obviously blatantly racist content youtube will just ban you because you're going to violate their terms of service uh so of course there's limits to how far you can push this especially on certain platforms uh but uh but if there were no limits and i could create any kind of content i want uh that's what i would do and i would become i would become a mega millionaire doing that and that's what some people have set their life purpose to be and many people see many people on youtube who are just going purely after money or views or clicks they're basically doing that but they don't know that they're doing that so they didn't they didn't set out to to create the most virulent cancerous content they just said set out to become successful for themselves and because the ego mind is so opportunistic it's just looking for the opportunities but if it's looking for opportunities where's it going to look it's going to look for the for the most you know ripe places in society and where are the most right places right now in social media spreading propaganda and lies uh and conspiracy theories this is extremely lucrative you can make millions of dollars doing this and you can even justify to yourself that you're doing something good because your intention is not to brainwash people your intention is just to get clicks and so when someone accuses you of of hey you know you're brainwashing your business is brainwashing people through facebook ads or whatever you're going to say no of course we're not we're just running a business yeah you're just running a business unconsciously and and of course we didn't we barely even started to talk about now the giant corporations how giant corporations are falling into this trap because all the giant corporations who are trying to police their stockholders many of them publicly traded what are they doing they're they're legal obligations to maximize profits for their shareholders and so these corporations also don't have a sense of life purpose we might say that a life purpose applies to an individual but also to a corporation a corporation believe it or not is not inherently soulless a corporation can have a soul like a human can have a soul it can have a spirit a corporation can also be loving and selfless if it's developed enough now most corporations aren't that way so we tend to portray corporations as these evil soulless robotic robotic-like structures which are inherently just profit-seeking and nothing else this actually isn't true this is actually a common mistake that many progressives and liberals make is i hear this common criticism that all corporations they're just these heartless and soulless entities no there's different gradations of corporations some are more conscious than others just like humans are some humans are more conscious than others and the more conscious the corporation is the more sense of a life purpose it'll have the more sense of responsibility it'll have for its impact on the world and on society and the more it will try to promote things like consciousness love and selflessness rather than devilry and selfishness and fear and trying to exploit the most common um denominator negative emotions uh the reptile mind of its customers you see many of the world's richest corporations are so rich because they're extremely exploitative and they prey upon and they manipulate the reptile mind of hundreds and hundreds of millions and billions of people that's how they become so rich how do you think facebook is so rich facebook is so rich you know mark zuckerberg i was looking at his net worth the other day i think it's close to 100 billion dollars is mark zuckerberg is done with how did he where did that net worth come from that net worth is directly proportional to the fact that advertising is so lucrative on facebook because you can go on facebook and you can advertise the most low brow low consciousness [ __ ] possible and people will just slop it up like pigs at the trough and and there's no moral qualms no company has moral qualms about doing this i had a friend who who was actually into pickup he was a pickup buddy of mine a long time ago and then i had a uh i kind of lost touch with him for a few years then uh he called me and we reconnected over the phone a few years ago this was and we were just talking i was kind of like asking him what he does now he used to work for he used to work for a for a big online company he was like one of their sales people and then he quit that job though he wanted to go into business for himself i'm like hey what are you doing he's like oh yeah i'm uh yeah i'm doing great leo i'm doing great i've got my business i'm earning six figures now you know i've only been doing this business for a year but i'm already making six figures you know life is going awesome i'm building this business up i'm like oh yeah what what are you doing he's like oh yeah i'm selling boner pills on on facebook yeah see that's what happens when you don't have a conscious life purpose now you might say well leo having a conscious life purpose this is a luxury this is only something you can afford once you have lots of money in a certain sense yes but in a certain sense no the problem is that i mean yes if you're so strapped for money that you like you need money tomorrow to pay your electric bill otherwise your kids are going to be sitting there in the dark yeah this life purpose is not going to work for you because you can't create a life purpose in a day or an or even in a year so you need do need to have enough savings and backup capital to to kind of hold yourself over for a while while you build out your life purpose this is a long-term plan but that's also why it's valuable you see if you could do it so quickly then it wouldn't really be valuable so just take that into account but but also if you if you have this mentality that life purpose is just this luxury that only the rich people can afford uh you're not really you're not really understanding this this is not about this is this is really sort of a spiritual stance that you take this is not about uh a luxury like oh yeah i just want to have some it's a luxury to have work that i enjoy doing don't think of this as a luxury this is not a luxury the proper mindset here is to think that this is this is why i'm alive why am i alive i'm not alive to be a tool to earn money to pay my electric bills that's not why i'm alive i'm alive for some deeper reason and that reason i can't allow myself to sell myself out i can't sell that reason i can't just say oh okay well oh you're gonna pay me a hundred thousand dollars to to sell uh penis pills on facebook okay yeah i'll forget all about my you know the purpose of my life and i'll just go sell penis pills on facebook see if you do that you've sold your soul to the devil now i'm not even saying there's anything inherently wrong with selling penis pills on facebook especially if that's part of your way of ultimately reaching towards a life purpose there's nothing wrong with that so for example in the way that i started my life purpose is i knew that i couldn't just immediately jump into it i had to bootstrap it so i actually went and i i worked in a business the first business that i started was not a business that i really enjoyed and you might say aha leo that makes you a hypocrite no it doesn't make me hypocrite that was strategic i told myself from the beginning that i'm going to do this work that i don't enjoy for the next three or four years i'm going to build up capital then i'm going to use that to quit that that work that i don't enjoy and then for the rest of my life then i will be doing my life purpose and that's exactly what i did and that can be necessary sometimes it's not so easy that it's like oh well i'll just take leo's course and then i'll find my life purpose and then i'll just go i'll go and i'll become a a famous music producer or a successful artist or whatever no if only it was that easy you might have to do work that you don't like for a certain number of years just to earn just to earn the right to live a life of purpose you see unfortunately today the way our society is structured under capitalism we live under wage slavery the majority of us do not me personally i've been i've been a non-wage slave for for 10 years now but uh you know i have worked as a wage slave for one year i hated it so much that i was so motivated to to quit that job and to become a non-wage slave that it didn't take me very long to do it it took me about six months to do it um it'll probably take most you longer and i was lucky in certain respects and i had certain privileges that that many people don't have frankly but um but nevertheless i think it's it's worth it's worth working towards even look at this if you're feeling bad in your life right now and you feel like you're stuck in a dead-end job and you feel like you don't even have a prospect you don't even know how you might become that artist or that musician or whoever you want to become doing something that you're passionate about and i feel so hopeless to you here's the hope the hope is that you can spend the next five years working towards getting yourself out of wage slavery and then by that point you'll have a clear picture of exactly what your passion is because right now you're probably not even clear what you would do if i gave you 100 million dollars right now and told you go do your passion you probably wouldn't be able to do it simply because you don't have the skills you don't even have the clarity of vision of what it is that you would be doing with 100 million dollars you'd probably just waste it on drugs and hookers and whatever else uh some expensive house uh so the hope is that you can spend the next five years consciously breaking free of wage slavery for the purpose of so that in the future for the next 30 40 50 years of your life you can live as a non-wage slave and have the freedom to create the kind of meaningful life that you want so in that sense money is important i am not one of these spiritual people that says that all money is unimportant and it's irrelevant and it's the root of all evil no money is a resource it's important how money is distributed one of the problems we have in society right now is the way money is distributed it's so skewed towards the top the majority of people don't have enough breathing room and they're stuck as wage slaves see my episode how to escape wage slavery by the way which will dovetail nicely with this conversation and so because of this capitalist system basically the majority of mankind's potential is pissed down the toilet because they don't have enough money even to give them the freedom to take a year off for example from their work to figure out their life purpose and have a little bit of starting capital to get it off the ground see most people are under so much debt credit card debt and other sorts of debt that they have no hope of doing this it'll take them five or ten years just to work their way out of wage slavery but you know what that's better than being a wage slave for the next 40 years so rather than just accepting it i recommend that you make one final push to break free set the goal to not be a wage slave and that in five or ten years you're going to achieve that goal and then also you're going to find your life purpose and then you're going to create a life aligned with that life purpose and you will never sell out to anybody again from that point on and that will have been your arc your growth curve is that the next 10 years will be you outgrowing wage slavery learning how to do that taking a little by taking a lot of responsibility to begin with for your life developing the skills the vision the reading the right books going to the right courses and seminars and trainings to develop all that developing some expertise so you can actually offer value to the world and then so what you have to look forward here is that in 10 years time you can be working on something that you find deeply meaningful and passionate that you're passionate about and in this way you will escape the dangers of a toxic life purpose and if you want to more assistance for how to do that if you're serious only if you're very serious do i recommend that you check out my life purpose course in which case you'll find a link down below go check out there's some free sample videos you can watch there to get a taste of whether the course is right for you or not and it's going to be 25 hours of content along these lines so if you liked what i talked about in this video the life purpose course is just a very extended version of this but with exercises and it's uh it's very practical i want you to understand that any time that i publish a course and i'll be publishing new courses in the future on various topics the courses are always designed to be extremely practical with techniques and methods and so forth for people who are actually serious about implementing stuff my normal content is more philosophical it's more theoretical uh it's not built like a training or a workshop whereas the courses are because in a course we need we need that 25 hours or something like that an extended period of time where we can go through it um you know step by step by step which doesn't just it doesn't really work in these short little videos all right that's it i'm done here please click click that like button for me and come check out this is where you'll find the live purpose course you will find my book list you will find my blog you will find the forum where you can go um get advice from others who are also trying to live a life of purpose we have a section there a sub forum called life purpose and entrepreneurship where you can talk about this sorts of stuff if you'd like you can support me on patreon at actualize and that's it yeah i mean i don't know i i'm trying to imagine where i would be today if i didn't consciously decide to live a life of purpose like that was a super conscious decision for me it was a very difficult decision i remember i remember like it was yesterday where i was and what my thought process was for deciding to go through with it because i had to quit my job and i had a pretty good job it was hard to quit that job uh that job was better than most people's jobs i had to quit that um but the way i was reasoning i'm thinking back the way that i reasoned about it back then was that i was so young back then i was like 24 years old i said to myself something along the lines of like what is even the point of living if i'm not gonna go say yes to this idea of living a life fully on purpose like i don't even see the point of living anymore i can't be passionate about life that way and so for me in a sense it was a huge choice but it wasn't almost it almost wasn't even a choice and the reason it wasn't even a choice was because there was no possibility of me sticking around in that dead end job and really it wasn't a dead-end job i mean i had good career prospect i could have made a career out of that job but um but compared to the potential that i saw that i had of what i was capable of that job was keeping me down here compared to where i knew i wanted to be right so a lot of this is about building a very powerful vision of who you can become most people have such a weak vision of their potential and that's one of my biggest functions here with this work in this this channel is that i cover so much material and in a subtle implicit way i'm always trying to show you how much potential you have as a human being and even beyond a human being you have you have no clue how much potential you have and the only way you're going to know how much potential you have is by spending the next 10 or 20 years working your ass off to actualize that potential doing this by doing all the work that i talk about and then looking back retrospectively only then will you appreciate how much potential you were able to actualize that you wouldn't have otherwise and then you will be so thankful you will be so thankful that you decided to do this work and that you took it seriously when everybody around you was naysaying you and telling you that it wasn't important and they weren't doing it themselves like your family and your colleagues and your friends because they're not going to be doing this work but uh yeah the the the payoffs of this work really come 10 years down the road like the really heavy payoffs now that doesn't mean you can't get immediate payoffs you can get some great payoffs even in six months even in a year you'll get payoffs so don't think that you have to wait for 10 years to get the payoffs but you know i want to really prime your mind to have a long-term vision and to work towards that every day and in a sense this is what grounds you it gives your life an anchor and of course this anchor is artificial you might say well leo but isn't all this just more ego you're just driving people deeper into ego again there's many degrees and qualities of ego so yes it is ego yes the mind is constructing this meaning and in the end it's all meaningless and in the end it doesn't matter what kind of work you do if you don't do any work at all nothing matters but uh you're not you're not nearly conscious and developed enough to live your life in accordance with the nothing matters idea to you that's just an idea that doesn't function in your life it might take you 50 years of spiritual work to actually get to a stage where you can truly live from a place where nothing matters and yet you're living a good life from that place for the average person that's not how it's going to work for the average person life matters very much and if if you don't consciously create the kind of life that you want then you're going to be living a shitty life and you're going to be suffering that shittiness and you're gonna be taking the whole world down with you so i recommend that you don't be that guy you